8:30~ |
Registration |
Opening Remarks |
9:00~9:10 |
President of AACMD: Prof. Keiichi SASAKI President of the Meeting: Prof. Shin-ichi MASUMI |
Mini Symposium1 “Nonodontogenic Toothache" |
Moderator1: Prof. Yoshiki IMAMURA , Nihon Univ. (Japan) Moderator2: Dr. Yong-Hyun CHOI, STM Dental Clinic (Korea) |
9:10~9:25 |
Title: What are the sources of nonodontgenic toothache?
Speaker1: Dr. Wataru MURAOKA, Keiou Univ. (Japan) |
9:25~9:40 |
Title: Atypical Odontalgia
Speaker3: Dr. Yi-Chen CHEN, Yang-Ming Univ. (Taiwan) |
9:40~9:55 |
Title: Orofacial pain originating from cervical structures: A condition that shoudl be treated by dentists?
Speaker3: Prof. Yoshiki IMAMURA, Nihon Univ.(Japan) |
9:55~10:10 |
Discussion |
10:10~10:25 |
Coffee Break |
Symposium 1
Desirable Effects and Indications of Occlusal Splint Therapy for TMD |
Moderator1: Prof. Kiyoshi KOYANO, Kyushu Univ. (Japan) Moderator2: Prof. Yuh-Yuan SHIAU, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan) |
10:25~10:55 |
Title: Occlusal splint for bruxism or for muscle fatigue and force distribution
Speaker1: Prof. Shogo MINAGI, Okayama Univ. (Japan) |
10:55~11:25 |
Title: Oral appliances in the management of temporomandibular disorder - a systematic review Speaker2: Prof.Jin Woo CHUNG, Seoul National Univ. (Korea) |
11:25~11:55 |
Title: The effect of splint on airway Speaker3:Prof. Yunn-Jy CHEN, National Taiwan Univ. (Taiwan) |
11:55~12:25 |
Discussion |
12:25~13:30 |
Lunch |
Free communication
Practical Control of Orofacial Pain -Case Study by Young Practitioner- |
Moderator1: Dr. Masako IKAWA (Japan) Moderator2: Prof. Bong Jik SUH, Chonbuk National Univ. (Korea) |
13:30~13:45 |
Title: Detection thresholds for stimulation of the lower lip and chin area Speaker1: Akiko KOBAYASHI, TMDU(Japan) |
13:45~14:00 |
Title: Sleep and orofacial pain Speaker2: Prof. Hyun Dae LIM, Wonkwang Univ. (Korea) |
14:00~14:15 |
Title: Management of orofacial pain: Achieving balance of surrounding system Speaker3: Dr Chien-Chung WANG (Taiwan) |
14:15~14:30 |
Title: Masticatory myofacial pain and Tension-type headache Speaker4: Dr. Masakazu OKUBO, Nihon Univ.Matsudo(Japan)
14:30~14:45 |
Title: Pain control by peripheral opioid receptors Speaker5: Dr. Soo Kyung KANG, Kyung Hee Univ. (Korea) |
14:45~15:00 |
Coffee Break
Keynote Lecture 1 |
Moderator1: Prof. Keiichi SASAKI, Tohoku Univ.(Japan) |
15:00~16:00 |
Lecturer: Prof. Ryusuke KAKIGI, National Institute for Physiological Sciences (Japan)
Title: Painful Brain |
16:00~16:30 |
Coffee break |
Symposium 2
Practical Procedures of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for TMD |
Moderator: Prof. Koichi WAJIMA ,Keio Univ.(Japan) Moderator: Dr. Jae-Kap CHOI, Kyungpook Univ. (korea) |
16:30~17:00 |
Title: The physiological approaches in the treatment of TMD Speaker1: Dr. Masami YOKOTA D.D.S., Psychologist, (Japan) |
17:00~17:30 |
Title: Speaker2: Dr. Michiko TAKAOKA, TMDU. D.D.S. (Japan) |
17:30~18:00 |
Title :Overcoming chronic orofacial pain with cognitive behavioral techniques Speaker3: Prof. Mee Eun KIM, Dankook Univ. (Korea) |
18:00~18:30 |
Discussion |
19:00~20:30 |
AACMD and JSOP Joint Banquet |